Friday 23 August 2013


After 4 weeks in Firenze, I moved to a smaller seaside city called 'Viareggio'. I live with an Italian family and other students in a big house near the beach. I feel so lucky.
I'm going to school every day still, and my Italian is still improving, but it is difficult. Especially the grammar. I think 'the problem' in general is that students don't 'dare' to speak because we are afraid to make mistakes. But I think I already made a lot of improvement and I promised myself I will continue learning the language after I leave Italy. 

I really love life here. Going to the beach whenever you want, eating delicious Italian food and I love the culture and language. People are really relaxed and seem to love life, every minute of it. 

When my parents came to visit me, we made a small roadtrip trough Tuscany. Volterra, Lucca, Pietrasanta, San Martino in Freddana, Firenze and a seaside town in Liguria called Portovenere, every place is beautiful in it's own way. Nature leaves you speachless and the old towns are like small open-air museums.

Here are some pictures of my time in Viareggio and the roadtrip. Enjoy x