Friday 23 August 2013


After 4 weeks in Firenze, I moved to a smaller seaside city called 'Viareggio'. I live with an Italian family and other students in a big house near the beach. I feel so lucky.
I'm going to school every day still, and my Italian is still improving, but it is difficult. Especially the grammar. I think 'the problem' in general is that students don't 'dare' to speak because we are afraid to make mistakes. But I think I already made a lot of improvement and I promised myself I will continue learning the language after I leave Italy. 

I really love life here. Going to the beach whenever you want, eating delicious Italian food and I love the culture and language. People are really relaxed and seem to love life, every minute of it. 

When my parents came to visit me, we made a small roadtrip trough Tuscany. Volterra, Lucca, Pietrasanta, San Martino in Freddana, Firenze and a seaside town in Liguria called Portovenere, every place is beautiful in it's own way. Nature leaves you speachless and the old towns are like small open-air museums.

Here are some pictures of my time in Viareggio and the roadtrip. Enjoy x

Wednesday 7 August 2013


I had the intention to post often, since I'm in one of the most beautiful cities of Italy - Florence, but time seems to fly.. What a great city! Everywhere you go is a 'postcard' kind of view. Typical Italian streets, the river which divides the city into two parts and inspiring art everywhere. And the food.. the love those people put into their recipes, so inspiring. Italian dishes aren't complicated in general. Simple but tasty recipes - which most of the time are in a family for ages - made with fresh ingredients, that's the Italian secret.

I will be moving to a seaside town this weekend, so this is the perfect moment to share some pictures from my time in Florence with you. Enjoy! 

Florence, you have been great to me - x